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Digital Reality Advances Lead to Autonomous Data Capture


Will this decade be the decade digital-reality technologies become mainstream? Will they reach their full potential to enhance life and business in ways we can only begin to imagine with the applications we’ve seen to this point? If the rumors are true, tech giants like Apple are working to make mixed reality a reality in ways we haven’t seen before—for instance, by engineering a super-lightweight headset that’s even lighter than an iPhone. Last year, Apple reportedly acquired NextVR, a provider of VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) content, and Apple CEO Tim Cook has made tantalizing comments about leveraging AR in sectors like healthcare, education, retail, and automotive.The digital reality space, which includes technologies like AR, VR, and MR (mixed reality), is set to grow immensely during the 2020s. MarketsandMarkets estim …

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