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Putin and Xi’s evolving disinformation playbooks pose new threats


Jessica Brandt

Jessica Brandt is policy director of the AI and Emerging Technology Initiative and a fellow in the Foreign Policy Program at the Brookings Institution.

The TechCrunch Global Affairs Project examines the increasingly intertwined relationship between the tech sector and global politics.
As the information domain becomes an increasingly active and consequential realm of state competition, two countries have gone all in. Both China and Russia have developed sophisticated information strategies to advance their geopolitical interests, and their playbooks are evolving. No longer primarily relying on proxy troll farms to generate large quantities of polarizing content, the Kremlin has turned to military intelligence assets to carry out more targeted information operations designed to circumvent platform-detection mechanisms. And motivated by concern that it might be blamed for a pandemic that has claimed the lives of more than five million people worldwide, Beijing has become considerably less risk-averse in its use of “wolf warrior” diplomats to push conspiracy theories online. To sustain its vision of a free and open internet, Washington must develop …

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