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Hyundai’s solar car roof isn’t as dumb as it sounds


The new hybrid Hyundai Sonata has solar cells built into its roof. After baking in the sun all day, the car can add 3-4 miles to its range. That might sound underwhelming, but my EV discharges far more than 3-4 miles per day just sitting parked and doing whatever a Tesla does when it’s not being driven around. I can only assume that, given its power consumption while doing nothing, it is becoming self-aware, developing feelings and writing love haikus to Elon Musk.
“The Sonata Hybrid’s solar panels have a capacity of 204W to be exact; that is, panels exposed to the Sun in good sunlight will produce 200Wh of electricity,” Hyundai writes on its website. Fair, 200W is not nothing, but in the context of electr …

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