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Do we really need a $340, Wi-Fi enabled toaster?


If you’ve heard of Tineco, it’s probably because the 24-year-old company has been making vacuums and hair dryers for a hot minute. The company’s next product is a $339 toaster that connects to your Wi-Fi network and can toast your toast with science and precision, and makes me wonder if there’s any device in our house that’s safe from the internet-of-everything wave. It’s not a great sign when I get a PR pitch for a company, and my first thought is that a certain Twitter account will have a field day with it.
In mid-September, Tineco’s Toasty One is going on sale. The company even trademarked part of its tech (IntelliHeat™ USPTO 97453909, I just know you were curious) to show how much it me …

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