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A cardiologist shares the 4 worst foods for high cholesterol—and what she eats to keep her ‘heart healthy’


Want to maintain a healthy heart and brain? Keep a close eye on your cholesterol numbers.LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol builds up in the arteries and forms plaque, which blocks blood flow to the brain. HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol picks up the LDL and takes it to the liver to be processed. The optimal levels vary from person to person, so always check with your doctor first.As a cardiologist who treats patients with high cholesterol, I always try to use diet as medicine first. Here are the four worst foods for high cholesterol — and what I eat instead to keep my heart healthy:1. Red meatYes, that includes burgers, ribs, steak and pork chops. If you don’t want to cut out red meat altogether, focus on small amounts of lean meat. And by small, I mean a portion size of up to three ounces — and eat red meat at most, once a week.Remember that poultry also contains saturated fat, so avoiding red meat doesn’t necessarily mean you should load up on chicken. As for meat alternatives, I’m generally skeptical about engineered foods. To me, plants were never meant to bleed. What to eat instead: Think fish and shellfish. Shrimp may be high in cholestero …

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