Elyse Josephs, MTOM, L.Ac. has obtained a masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine fro Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Her over 20 years experience includes working with patients of chronic diseases and disabilities at the Hospital for Joint Diseases, NYC
She is experienced in treating orthopedic disorders due to trauma, also arthritis, Fibryomyalgia, and other disorders not easily treated by conventional Western Bio-medicine.
A large part of her practice is dedicated to working with Women’s health issues including:
Infertility- helping women to conceive, and carry a full term pregnancy.
IVF- Acupuncture can increase the percentage rate of success in invitro fertilization performed by a qualified physician.
Period problems: ammenorrhea (cessation of periods), irregular menstruation, late or early periods, painful menstruation.
Peri-menopause, menopause: Acupuncture and herbal medicine for symptom relief and maintaining a healthy balanced body.
Acupuncture facial rejuvenation: Utilizing state of the art photo therapy (LED), which is integrated with traditional acupuncture. This technique is an advancement of traditional facial acupuncture rejuvenation. It truly revitalizes and rejuvenates the face to a more youthful appearance.
Coming from a background deeply involved in homeopathic healing modalities in Eastern Europe, my family was involved in all aspects of natural healing: from creating creams and serums to maintain a youthful appearance, to the use and knowledge of herbal remedies in restoring and maintaining health, vitality and vigor. Up until the last hundred years since my family has been in America there were many members that studied and chose to practice medicine from a homeopathic perspective, instead of the Western allopathic model.
Acupuncture Therapy
Advanced Acupuncture Health PC