Better Breastfeeding

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Better Breastfeeding

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Better Breastfeeding is a web-based application that provides over 6 1/2 hours of tutorials and learning guides to help you understand how your body and your baby work. This information can help you know what to expect when you are breastfeeding so you can identify issues early on. You can also use the Virtual Breastfeeding Specialist to do a self-assessment and receive helpful recommendations. You can print and share your reports with your doctor or lactation consultant. Using the Better Breastfeeding platform, you can trouble-shoot most breastfeeding issues on your own. If you need hands-on help, you can work with a lactation consultant, doctor, or other health care practitioner, colostrum harvesting pros and cons, does leaking colostrum mean labor is close, when do you start leaking colostrum baby, choking while breastfeeding, how to avoid choking while breastfeeding.

Products & Services

Better Breastfeeding, Personalized Wellness Check-Ins, 24/7 Virtual Breastfeeding Specialist

Better Breastfeeding