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Dream Land Innovation Systems LLC is a reputable name in the HR realm that offers comprehensive recruitment management and selection services in Dubai. Our HR software is a cost-effective and custom-made solution to automate business management work. With years of experience in HR management at UAE, we assist our clients with recruitment management, hiring, payroll, and other employee tasks on one platform. It helps with the effortless handling of business functions and managing HRMS.

Be it on-board tasks, learning management, or ease of access by employees, our HR works solution tunes well with your business needs. Its intuitive interface facilities departmental and administrative work.

Understand, recognise and evaluate your team’s performance better with our employee recognition feature. Its availability of on-premise and cloud systems makes it an efficient payroll software.

Even for handling core HR functions such as an e-attendance system, maintaining daily timesheets, and leave management, this software can be your go-to option. Our HR solutions collaborate with clients to build, develop and sustain a team. As a result, the software delivers solutions that align with business goals and positively impact business margins.

The flexibility of HR Works allows easy integration with other software. The several modules make end-to-end automation work easy-going for an enterprise.

Products & Services

HR WORKS offers HR solutions made specifically for time tracking and staff scheduling. Payroll administration and a self-service portal are included. Employees may effortlessly track their time in real-time from any location with HR WORKS. Employees can clock in on HR WORKS by themselves. One of the essential elements for practically every HR management software is the time and attendance software option. Critical efforts in people management are hampered by the lack of integrated information across several HRMS systems. HR operations would be easier to manage if there was just one system of record and cloud-based deployment architecture.
