Ether thriller

Ether thriller

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Dr. David Sherer is a local of Washington, DC, examined old style piano in school and turned into a specialist. His first book, Dr. David Sherer’s Hospital Survival Guide, was distributed in 2003 and helped guide patients through an emergency clinic stay. His subsequent book, The House of Black and White, is a journal of experiencing childhood in the Washington, DC rural areas and manages race, family difficulty and the re-revelation, following a long term partition, of his youth African-American overseer, Louise. His next book is his presentation novel, Into the Ether, and is being considered for the screen. His books on wellbeing and medication have been widely praised. His work has showed up on paper and on radio and TV pretty much these works. He has delivered two wellbeing related books, Hospital Survival Guide and What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You, both from Humanix, in 2021 and has showed up on paper and on TV for both. A continuation of his novel is in progress.

Ether thriller