Forbrukerguiden compares and reviews products in Norway. This makes it possible for you to save both time and money in your daily life. We generally talk about banking services, insurance, and power & electricity. Our articles are free and available to all people.
Banking and financial services: Are you planning to buy a home, car, or perhaps a boat? Or maybe you are going on vacation and need a short-term consumer loan? In that situation, it is important to choose the correct bank. Naturally, you do not want to pay a higher interest rate than necessary. We have written a number of guides covering banking services and personal finance to make sure that you are well informed when picking between different alternatives.
Insurance: Are you thinking about what insurance you need? Or are you hesitant about which insurance company is absolutely the best? Well, you are not the only one in this case. There are many insurance companies in Norway, where prices and client service vary greatly. The good thing is, we write about insurance as well. Everything from car insurance to travel insurance, we have you covered.
Power & electricity: It is not easy to maneuver in the sea of various suppliers and agreements in the electricity market. A commonly asked question amongst Norwegian consumers is whether to pick spot price or fixed price. Additionally, you might be asking yourself if you are paying more for electricity compared to your neighbors. Luckily, our company knows the details of the electricity market and can really help you make great choices.