pause Mindfulness has demonstrated that their mindfulness coaching program can bring positive changes to your Leadership team, applying the help of the science of mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness training can assist your leadership team to be calm, focused, clear and to lead skillfully by enhancing their communication, empathy and awareness. Corporate mindfulness courses have been shown to bring positive results in the workplace and have a particularly strong evidence base to enhance leadership efficacy. Mindfulness training reliably results in increased, resilience, well-being, and performance. The Mindfulness leadership program, designed by pause, is skillfully designed to support your leaders to perform at their best Even for individuals at the workplace, corporate mindfulness courses have shown many positive benefits like boosting memory, improving work performance, enhancing teamwork and increasing safety. The team can also create customised corporate packages for your organisation; you only have to connect with the professional and experienced team at If you are looking for such corporate packages, look no further, as is here to help you with all the tailored programs to support corporate mindfulness.