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Our backstory

After taking college courses about the languages and religions of the Amazon in college, Tyler Gage became enthralled by the rich, complex world of Amazonian tribespeople. With some guidance from a professor, he moved to the Ecuadorian rainforest for two years to learn the local languages and take in the community’s ancient traditions, rituals, and relationship with the earth.

The local tribesmen’s relationship to the guayusa leaf in particular drew him in. After learning about the unique properties of the guayusa leaf, he began to hatch a plan to bring guayusa to the US.

The goal of RUNA was, and continues to be, to manage the land profitably using sustainable farming practices and direct trade relationships with products like guayusa to help support the local communities that guayusa is grown and harvested from.

Products & Services

RUNA is shaking up the energy drink category with an unwavering commitment to making products with clean ingredients that are Fair Trade Certified.

RUNA clean energy drinks™ are made for people who are thirsty for simple ways to get a natural energy boost that won’t jolt or jitter, with less sugar and a refreshing taste. Unlock the clean taste and smooth energy lift that comes from Guayusa, an Amazonian jungle super-leaf.

We produce GUAYUSA (gwhy-you-sa), a natural, delicious source of energy and nutrition from the Amazon, provides clear and focused energy – what the native Kichwa people call “mental strength and courage.”

A caffeinated leaf native to Ecuador, guayusa contains an exceptional balance of caffeine, antioxidants, vitamins and amino acids for your whole body and mind.

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