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We believe CRM should be easy & mobile – So we’ve designed a sales platform with minimal data input and high value output to accelerate your sales.

Salesbox is the mobile, smart and digital choice that accelerates your business’s performance.

In general sales reps only spend 20% of their time selling and 80% on other things!

Sales reps in general do not like administration, are not specifically structured and base their strategies mostly on gut feelings. At the same time modern sales is structured and data driven.

Management usually struggle with getting the reps to add data and get poor insights on the current status. Forecasts are usually inaccurate or require intense efforts.

These things combined creates inefficiency. The general solution to solve this is CRM, which paradoxically provide little value to the reps and management. In reality, it creates even more inefficiency.

The main focus for the CRM industry the last 30 years has been to make the implementation process more efficient and cheaper, but not on making the business more efficient.

It’s time to take the next step!

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