Are you looking for the Best Art Store in Bugis? Then contact us at the shop is a gathering place for aspiring and professional artists alike and sports a wide range of products across many mediums such as ArtGraf, Amsterdam, Canson, Bao Hong, Daniel Smith, Davinci, Escoda, Fabriano, Faber-Castell, Golden, Holbein, Kremer, Krylon, Liquitex, Lefranc & Bourgeois to name a few. Do note that not all these brands are currently available on the website, they will steadily be added with various updates. The team at Straits hopes to continue maintaining our quality of service, Integrity, and commitment to our customers. If you are looking for an art store in Bugis look no further, Straits Art Co. Pte Ltd is guaranteed to have everything you need! We have you covered with watercolor, acrylic, brushes, and paint!