Vector Digitizing Squad

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Vector Digitizing Squad

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Hi, My name is Arifur Rahman Alif Owner of Vector Digitizing Squad. I have five years of experience in graphic design and currently have a team of 15 members. We professionally make weapons, and iPhone back cover designs for laser engraving.

I officially started the Vector Digitizing Squad journey in 2020. Since then I have successfully completed the work of more than 1k + clients on social media and various online marketplaces. I have launched this website to increase the quality of laser engraving and graphics design services. I hope you can get more services through this website.

I can truly say from five years of experience that 50% of people with laser engraving machines are unhappy with their work because they don’t have professional designers. So hobbyists are making designs from us and taking engravings from them.

Do you want to make an engraving design on something of your choice? Like us weapons, Phone back cover. We will feel blessed to design the choice for you. I will make your work very professional and creative. Our goal is to create your favorite designs. Please feel free to contact me anytime via live chat or send me a massage.



Vector Digitizing Squad