Waterboy Water Coolers

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Waterboy Water Coolers

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Water Coolers by Waterboy

Set up more than 30 years ago, Waterboy Spring Mineral Water have been supplying nutritious bottled spring water to its clients all around the United Kingdom.

Waterboy Water Dispensers water comes from a 100 year old secured resource from wellsprings found hundreds of metres below ground.

Waterboy Mineral Water has an enviable track record as a prominent supplier of this particular support service that complies with all applicable regulatory conditions.

The absolute best water cooler units are used in our rental range which are made by the world leading manufacturer Oasis International. They have an outstanding reputation for reliable performance, low energy consumption, good looks, simple cleaning and even eye-catching blemish protected finishes.

A novel cooler appliance as well as bottle cleaning method is used to make sure that our customers receive their water in the freshest and most hygienic manner.

Waterboy Water Coolers provide all its customers with a lot of information as well as recommendations about the most appropriate coolers for their needs.

And, our delivery trucks are cleaned every single day. We will never come to a client’s location with a filthy truck.

Products & Services

Water Cooler – Ancillary Items

Bottled spring mineral water is delivered to clients in a vast array of water coolers such as: free standing, mains supplied and work top models. These coolers are offered for hire or sale to clients depending on their preference.

Cold as well as warm taps are fitted to some styles which have boilers included to supply customers with a choice of a cold beverage or even warm cup of tea.

Waterboy Ltd also dispense a wide variety of ancillary products including polystyrene cones that could be recycled for cash by the customer.

East Lancashire, Bolton, Stockport, Manchester, Preston, Wigan, Lancaster, Leyland, Southport and Chorley to name a few.


Waterboy Water Coolers