Agriculture produces what might be some of the hardest planet-warming carbon emissions to eliminate. People need to eat, and right now, the way we make food generates a lot of […]
carbon sequestration
Trending topics and news from the carbon sequestration category
Back to news homeCan carbon credits for improving forests help save them — and us — from climate change?
Rising pressure on big business to address the threat of climate change by decarbonizing their ops has, in recent years, led to huge demand for carbon offset schemes — enabling […]
‘Made of Air’, a maker of ‘carbon negative’ thermoplastics, locks in $5.8M
Berlin-based climate tech startup, ‘Made of Air‘, has closed a €5 million (~$5.8M) seed funding round, led by Norwegian sustainability-focused family fund, TD Veen. Also participating are Patrick Pichette (former […]
44.01 secures $5M to turn billions of tons of carbon dioxide to stone
Reducing global greenhouse gas emissions is an important goal, but another challenge awaits: lowering the levels of CO2 and other substances already in the atmosphere. One promising approach turns the […]