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eBay Inc. is a global commerce leader that connects millions of buyers and sellers around the world. We exist to enable economic opportunity for individuals, entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations of all sizes. Our portfolio of brands includes eBay Marketplace and eBay Classifieds Group, operating in 190 markets around the world. We offer sellers the ability to grow a business with little barrier to entry regardless of size, background or geographic location. We never compete with our sellers. We win when our sellers succeed. Buyers who shop on our Marketplace and Classifieds platforms enjoy a highly personalized experience with an unparalleled selection at great value.

Products & Services

With almost $86 billion in marketplace gross merchandise volume generated in 2019, eBay’s Marketplace facilitated more than 2% of the $3.5 trillion global online commerce market (using eMarketer estimates). EBay’s strategic priorities include revitalizing its Marketplace platform by emphasizing its unique product assortment and value proposition, improving the seller and buyer experience, utilizing structured data/artificial intelligence for listing searches, promoted listing advertising, and improving its mobile commerce capabilities. EBay partnered with Netherlands-based Adyen for payment intermediation beginning in 2018.

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