Elizabeth Leanza, Synergy Realty - Realtor

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Elizabeth Leanza, Synergy Realty - Realtor

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We take immense pride in upholding our unwavering commitment to excellence, honesty, and integrity. Our passionate team at Elizabeth Leanza, Synergy Realty – Realtor is dedicated to assisting clients in discovering their dream homes, facilitating quick and efficient property sales, and empowering confident real estate investments. Leveraging our extensive network, cutting-edge technology, and industry expertise, we ensure that our clients receive unparalleled service and unwavering support. Understanding the stress and overwhelm that can accompany the process of buying or selling a home, we make it our mission to guide and support our clients every step of the way. As seasoned real estate agents in Franklin, we possess the knowledge, experience, and resources to cater to the diverse needs of both first-time homebuyers and seasoned investors alike. Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve your real estate ambitions and secure a prosperous future. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of the real estate market, we utilize our expertise to navigate the complexities of transactions, negotiate optimal deals, and provide valuable insights. 


Products & Services

Real estate, Home purchasing, Home Selling, Home Marketing, Home Staging, Relocation


Elizabeth Leanza, Synergy Realty – Realtor