Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

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Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

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An EPC is a certificate that shows the energy performance of a building as a rating from A to G, with A being the most efficient and G the least efficient rating. According to legislation that was gazetted in December 2020, all privately owned buildings with a net floor area of more than 2 000sqm and all public buildings with a net floor area of more than 1 000sqm, belonging to specific occupancy classes, must have an EPC rating by 7 December 2025. Furthermore, the EPC must be displayed in the building, visible to the public.

Some people might consider an Energy Performance Certificate as a grudge compliance measure and expense that could not come at a worse time. At RMS Sustainability Services we see things differently – an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a valuable decision-making tool for property owners considering investment in projects that will reduce the energy consumption of buildings and property portfolios.

An EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) provides property owners with insight into the energy saving potential of a building. Utility costs are increasingly a driver of operating costs; initiatives that reduce the energy consumption of a building will have a direct impact on operating costs. Energy Performance Certificates will help to identify those buildings where the greatest potential for energy cost savings exists and funds can be directed to harvest these opportunities.

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)