Heatpac – Insulation Co. Ltd

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Heatpac – Insulation Co. Ltd

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Middlesbrough-based Heatpac is a family-run business that specialises in loft and cavity wall insulation. We provide services over the entire North East and Yorkshire regions. In addition to new construction, care facilities, schools, and hospitals.

Products & Services

Installing cavity wall insulation is one of the most efficient ways to save energy, with more than 14.3 million facilities expected to do so by 2020.

The exterior walls of your home can lose up to 35% of heat. Installing insulation can significantly reduce your carbon footprint, and by reducing carbon dioxide production, you can save money on heating costs in the long run.

Many houses still have empty or underfilled voids. These cavities can be insulated, providing homeowners with warmer, more cost-effective housing.

If the cavity wall insulation was installed more than 25 years ago or was installed incorrectly, it may still be possible to undertake a removal and reinstallation operation fully funded by a government-supported grant. For more information, please call us on 0800 55 25 25 or email us at info@heatpac.co.uk.

Choose M&W Roofing Limited for all your roofing needs in Ireland. Contact us now to arrange a free consultation and quote.

Heatpac – Insulation Co. Ltd