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5g Smart Factory and Solutions | HARMAN Digital Transformation Solutions


Digitize your manufacturing process with 5G Smart Factory, digital twins and connected operations and production systems. Build intelligent shop floors with IIoT connected machines.


Leverage real-time data on connected operations and production systems across the shop floor

​​The Industry 4.​0 revolution has opened up new avenues, enabling factory owners to remotely manage their production, manufacturing, and operational processes. However, they also need to consider effective asset utilization, operational efficiency, workforce safety and productivity, and overall cost-effectiveness. Smart factory solutions such as gateways, device management platforms, etc., can leverage AI/ML to connect machines and the workforce for effective cost optimization.

Reduce downtime and gain visibility of various subsystems through a single command center using next-gen technologies like digital twin, AR/VR, robotic process automation, and more for intelligent, seamless factory operations.​

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Smart Connected Products