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6 Tips to master TOEIC listening skill


Despite being a receptive skill, listening requires effort and practice. The lengthy listening portion of the TOEIC calls for intense concentration the entire time.


And it goes beyond only listening for understanding. Additionally, you need to comprehend grammar, intonation, stress, and the distinction between sounds. All the while keeping the dialogue’s context in mind!


The majority of individuals concur that in order to perform well on the TOEIC, you must enhance both your test-taking and fundamental language skills.


Be at ease, though! You can succeed if you put in the necessary practice. In order to help you master the TOEIC listening portion, here are five tips.


  1. Take practice tests in test condition


It’s crucial to practice continuously in test-like settings as you get ready for the TOEIC. This entails taking practice exams in a setting and with time constraints identical to those of the actual exam. Therefore, you must complete the entire test in order to become accustomed to the rapid pace, quick transitions, and potential tricks.


>> Read more: https://gab.com/toeictestpro 


  1. Write as many actual sentences in English about a picture as you can


Practice immediately conjuring up as many true English statements as you can regarding a certain image in order to perform well on the true/false portion. Why?


The best way to respond to the questions for this section is to fully examine the image and determine what is occurring.


  • Consider the questions: who, what, where, and why.
  • Before the recording begins, look at the picture and try to describe what is happening there in as many sentences as you can.
  • As soon as the tape begins, evaluate whether each statement is untrue, possibly true, or true. Perhaps making an X, a question mark, and a checkmark with your finger on the paper will help you recall each one.
  • Listen to the other answers even if you are certain that one is the right one in order to confirm and double-check your response.


>>> See more: https://www.pinterest.com/toeictestpro/


  1. Use your prediction abilities to respond to Part Two


Our advice for the second exam section is to use what you currently know and your capacity for prediction to picture the right response before hearing the various alternatives. Correctly answering the question becomes simpler as a result.


Play the tape and pay attention to the question as you study for this segment. After hearing it, pause the recording and come up with a few possible replies to the query. The three distinct responses will be easier for you to remember if you do this. Play the rest of the tape once you’ve come up with a few suggestions so you can more easily recognize the right response.


>> Read more: https://band.us/band/85693081


  1. Focus on part three and pay attention to the details.


It’s preferable to read the questions first before listening to the dialogue when studying for this section. Write down your replies to the question after listening to the exchange and basing them on what you heard. Check to see if any of the multiple-choice selections match your responses next. You’ll be able to concentrate and practice paying attention to specifics in the speeches with this.


Try to read the questions during the actual exam before you listen to the tape. Try to read the solutions to the multiple-choice questions if you still have time.


  1. Look up keywords in the questions for Part 4


You should study for this section by looking at the questions and making an effort to highlight all the essential words in both the questions and the answer options. Spend some time at first, making sure you underline the right terms. Try to complete the task in seven seconds once you’ve gotten the hang of it. You will have the exact same amount of time in the actual exam.


  1. Practice with free online TOEIC test.



You can get acclimated to the format of the actual test by taking the TOEIC online test. The TOEIC exam simulators are meticulously created to have the same format as the actual test in terms of the quantity of questions, the allotted time, and the method of scoring. As many times as you like, you can attempt the practice test to see if you get the confidence necessary to take the real test. You will immediately receive feedback after completing each TOEIC pracrite test, which includes the right answers and their justifications. You can learn which region you should concentrate on by using detailed explanations, which are a terrific resource. As a result, you can advance every day.

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