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Canadian West Coast ports negotiation reaches impasse as port owners say ‘course change’ required


A container ship sits docked at the Port of Vancouver on November 20, 2021.Justin Sullivan | Getty Images News | Getty ImagesThe BC Maritime Employers Association on Monday said collective bargaining is not progressing and said a “course change” is required.The BCMEA, which represents port owners, said the International Longshore & Warehouse Union Canada’s Longshore Division “seems to have entrenched their positions,” rather than working for an equitable deal.”The BCMEA has gone as far as possible on core issues,” the group said in a statement. “ILWU Canada needs to decide if they are going to continue this strike with no hope of settlement, or significantly modify their position so a fair and balanced deal can be reached.”The employer’s comments come on the heels of calls for government intervention in the creation of back-to-work legislation.When asked if the gov …

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