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FILEHULK is an independent website aimed to provide ‘trial and free software download’, direct from the developer’s website which is almost free from any malware or spammy links. We took a lot of care for your peace of mind and comfort by considering the ‘pain’ while someone is searching to download ‘free software’ online.

Products & Services

Brave browser for mac meets all our expectations for the best web browser for a mac. It loads pages 3x to 6x faster than a normal browsing speed on other internet browsers and automatically blocks ads and trackers. It’s smart enough to import other browser data through the main menu.  It clears all your browsing data and has a built-in password manager. You can earn frequent flyer-like tokens (BAT) for viewing privacy-respecting ads through Brave and help fund the content you love. Brave fights and removes malware and prevents tracking, keeping your information safe and secure.

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