Fink Rosner Ershow-Levenberg Marinaro, LLC, Attorneys at Law

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Fink Rosner Ershow-Levenberg Marinaro, LLC, Attorneys at Law

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Legal services for the elderly, people with disabilities and their families to protect their assets and arrange for needed care, using a broad array of planning, administration & litigation strategies including Medicaid eligibility planning, applications & appeals; guardianship; estate plans with Wills, Powers of Attorney, Trusts and health Care Directives; real estate transfers and sales, advocacy for implementing those arrangements; advocacy related to nursing home residents’ rights; Special Needs Trusts

Products & Services

Law & Government, Medicaid planning, guardianship, nursing home residents rights, Special Needs Trusts, Saving the family home, Caring for the elderly at home, Life estates

Contact Information

Fink Rosner Ershow-Levenberg Marinaro, LLC, Attorneys at Law