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Making LIVE simpler
The LiveU Solo video encoder offers one-touch, wireless live streaming, directly from your camera to popular online platforms such as Facebook Live, YouTube and Twitch. It makes going live SIMPLER.

Products & Services

LiveU Solo is a live streaming device that leverages the same LiveU broadcast technology that global television broadcasters use for their live remote coverage every day instead of satellite or other expensive bandwidth solutions.

The secret is in our reliable transport protocol and patented cellular bonding that creates a single, super robust connection and dynamically adapts the video quality to changing conditions so you never, ever lose a stream and always stream with the best possible quality. The LiveU Solo wireless streaming encoder uses this same broadcast technology but in an easy to use and affordable product. This ensures your audience will enjoy the best video experience even when you’re streaming from places where the bandwidth is limited to location, network congestion or simply cost.
For general information on live streaming to social media please contact: https://gosolo.tv/

