The registered office of the company LUCA LEARNING SYSTEMS SL. It is located at CALLE PADILLA, 5, MADRID, 28.
The social purpose of the company LUCA LEARNING SYSTEMS SL. is: 85.20 / Primary education.
Other activities: 85.10 / Pre-primary education, 85.41 / Non-tertiary post-secondary education, 85.31 / General secondary education, 85.44 / Non-university tertiary education, 85.43 / University education, 85.32 / Technical and professional secondary education.
The CNAE activity of this company is: 8520 – Primary education. The last dated date of this company’s report is 2021-10-13.
Luca is an educational platform aimed at primary and secondary students. It is based on microlearning teaching-learning techniques, with 5-minute video lessons that include up to 8 quizzes, and with gamified content in personalized study routes promoted by Artificial intelligence.
Currently the Luca educational platform is active and functional for Mexico and Colombia. Soon it will be active for all of Latin America.
What is Luca?
Features, advantages and benefits of the Luca E-learning Platform:
Online training with 24/7 access: When it comes to the Luca youth microlearning educational platform, geography and time are not a concern. Each of the students can learn at their own pace and can even improve their study rate
Official key learning courses: Each microlearning lesson offers official knowledge, contributes to the integral growth of the student. In each video lesson, it integrates the same learning that takes place in school, only in a didactic way and easier to assimilate.
Constant formative evaluation promoted by A.I: Luca manages to obtain information about the performance in the quizzes and the application of the student’s knowledge, in order to know and assess the learning processes and the levels of advancement in the development of competences.