Constantly improving the working capital is a prime goal of business heads especially the CFOs. Accounts receivables form the major chunk of that goal! No matter the size of the firm, AR is a constant WIP. According to PWC working capital study 2018, about USD 1.1 Tn is stuck in unpaid invoices. Euler Hermes 2018 Economic Insights further adds that 1 in 4 companies across the globe receive delayed payments! THIS is exactly where numberz comes to the aid of the enterprises – by making their accounts receivables faster, easier, predictable and insights driven!
numberz AR is a secure, cloud based, enterprise solution that enhances the Working Capital of the businesses by significantly improving the speed, efficiency and effectiveness of collections. Integrating with core banking platforms and with the leading ERPs, numberz helps automating many of the current accounts receivables workflows while providing AR insights using AI and Machine Learning.