The Progressive Web App (PWA) initiative employs industry-standard technologies to provide users with an app-like experience even when they have a spotty Internet connection. To create a PWA, developers use JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Everything about them is the same as conventional web pages, including their appearance and functionality, which means they are searchable in internet browsers. But they also have the same features as mobile apps, like being quick, working offline, sending push notifications, and using the device’s features. Trending eCommerce businesses moving towards pwa. How much worthy pwa for eCommerce platforms? many eCommerce business types such as B2B, B2C, and C2C all are supportive, reponsive and quick loading. Here in this article we are going to discuss about the benefits of PWA for E-Commerce.
What Is An ECommerce Web Application?
An eCommerce web application is a solution that is becoming a primary step for any business to make shopping easy and effective for all the users. Therefore, it is rather recommended that you take sufficient time to elect a solution providing maximum functionality, flexibility and power while staying under your budget.