Rule Cosmeceuticals

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Rule Cosmeceuticals

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Our men’s skin care products at Rulemen like sunscreen with an SPF of 30 is ideal for males and must be used daily. The second step to boost the efficacy of skin care is to reapply it. It’s crucial to moisturise your skin after thoroughly scrubbing and exfoliating to maintain it nice and supple. Our skin care products provide the skin with just the proper moisture to keep it supple and healthy. Body lotion and hand cream are also suitable choices. You need to remove the filth, grime, and sebum that have built up in your pores, whether due to pollution and outside dust or to dead skin cells and germs from your phone and pillowcase (gross, but true). Applying a deep-cleansing, foam-based facial cleanser to your face and rinsing it off with warm water are good ways to start (and finish) your day.


Rule Cosmeceuticals