Uncle Defect SG

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Uncle Defect SG

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Uncle Amos has been in the renovation / Interior Design business for over 11 years. Beginning as an interior designer, he has helped many clients to achieve their dream homes at affordable prices. In the course of his work, he has worked with over 200 sub contractors and managed their work quality, work schedules, and repairs / fixes when work standards are not met. Uncle Amos now leverages on his decade long experience to helping home owners take over their houses 100% defect free.

Products & Services

Visual Inspection, Structural Integrity, Plumbing and Electrical Systems, Finishes and Surfaces, Cabinetry and Fixtures, Windows and Doors, Waterproofing and Sealing, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Safety Features, Documentation and Reporting

Contact Information

Uncle Defect SG