WebFOCUS Training

WebFOCUS Training

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WebFOCUS is basically a web-based version of FOCUS. It was introduced in the year 1997. Where FOCUS was a Fourth Generation Programming Language (4GL). WebFOCUS is built on the data access and reporting features of FOCUS. Procedural and NON Procedural are two command structure of WebFOCUS language.
WebFOCUS is basically a reporting engine which in information presentation and interaction with end user by converting corporate data into meaningful information.
Web Interface and Report Logic are basically two main parts of each WebFOCUS System to develop. Report Logic can be further divided into Data access logic (data integration) and Data processing and formatting logic.
Our WebFOCUS Online course includes Developer studio and various folders infoAssit, Creation of simple report, FILEDEF, APPHOLD, Sample Master file creation etc. Complete Customization of course content is possible for Individual student and for Corporate. For more information do connect us.

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WebFOCUS Training, WebFOCUS Online Training, WebFOCUS Corporate Training, WebFOCUS Certification, information builders, webfocus infoassist training

WebFOCUS Training