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Securing Digital Identities with Help of AI New Path After Pandemic of 2020  

  Securing individual digital identities with the help of AI and biometrics is a higher priority for business and healthcare, in wake of a rise in cybercrime. (Credit: Getty Images)    […]

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Pentagon Cancels JEDI Cloud Contract After Legal Battle Caused Delay 

The Pentagon cancelled the JEDI contract for cloud services with Microsoft, setting the stage for multiple companies to compete for the next award. (Credit: Getty Images)  By John P. Desmond, […]

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Insurance to Mitigate the Risk of AI Systems Coming into View  

AI insurance and revamped cyber security insurance aims to mitigate the risk of deploying AI systems for high risk decision-making.  (Credit: Getty Images)  By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   […]

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Convergence of AI, 5G and Augmented Reality Poses New Security Risks 

The convergence of AI, 5G and augmented reality poses new security and privacy risks, challenging organizations to keep pace. (Credit: Getty Images)  By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   Some 500 C-level […]