Getting a credit card is something most Americans take for granted. In countries such as Mexico, it’s a much more difficult and less common endeavor. In fact, less than 20% […]
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Back to news homeInternational startups shrug off US insurtech meltdown
A survey of Y Combinator companies makes it clear that the fintech subsector is far from dead Alex Wilhelm Anna Heim 11 hours Given the recent run of concerned headlines […]
Peruvian startup Leasy secures $17M in debt, equity to provide auto loans to LatAm ride-hailing drivers
Leasy, a startup that offers automobile financing to ride-hailing drivers in Latin America via a subscription model, has secured $2 million in equity and $15 million in debt. Italian-born Gregorio […]
Has Y Combinator’s new deal changed the early-stage investing game?
Y Combinator’s newly announced plan to invest more capital into startups that take part in its accelerator program is more controversial than many first assumed. By raising its so-called “standard […]