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Elon Musk Flexes His Media Muscle by Suspending Reporters on Twitter

Elon Musk’s decision to abruptly suspend several journalists from Twitter sparked an outcry on Friday from First Amendment advocates, threats of sanctions from European regulators, and questions about the social […]

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TikTok Appears to Push Harmful Posts to Young Users, Researchers Say

TikTok appears to be pushing videos about eating disorders and self-harm to 13-year-old users at a rapid clip, researchers said on Wednesday, raising new concerns about the service’s influence on […]

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Musk Shakes Up Twitter’s Legal Team as He Looks to Cut More Costs

Mr. Musk’s team has also deliberated the merits of not paying severance to the thousands of people who have left the company since he took over, when there were about […]

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What Are the Politics of Elon Musk? It’s Complicated.

On occasion, his remarks have raised concerns that he has planted himself firmly among right-wing conspiracy theorists. When he tweeted about the attack on Ms. Pelosi’s husband, he shared the […]

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Twitter’s Rivals, Including Meta, Try to Capitalize on Musk-Induced Chaos

Mr. Musk didn’t respond to requests for comment, and Meta declined to comment.After Mr. Musk bought Twitter, one alternative service that immediately gained attention was Mastodon, which is known as […]

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Computer Science Students Face a Shrinking Big Tech Job Market

In the past, tech companies used their internship programs to recruit promising job candidates, extending offers to many students to return as full-time employees after graduation. But this year, those […]

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Oversight Board Criticizes Meta for Preferential Treatment

Meta was harshly criticized by an internal oversight board on Tuesday for policies that give celebrities, politicians and business partners special treatment compared with the vast majority of Facebook and […]

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Hans Niemann Is the Bad Boy of Chess. But Did He Cheat?

For years, its subscriber base and profits rose gradually and steadily. Then the pandemic struck.“You could track it by country,” said Mr. Allebest. “India locked down, registrations from India went […]