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The Women’s Magazines of 2023 Are in a Facebook Group and Your Inbox


What should a 33-year-old postpartum woman wear to her cousin’s 21st birthday party in New York City?How should a 44-year-old mother of three balance comfort with Eras-Tour-appropriate glitter when she goes to see Taylor Swift?What’s the right makeup brand for a typically barefaced 39-year-old who wants to look dewy in five minutes?These are the sorts of questions that fashion and beauty editors at women’s magazines would answer in millions of monthly mailings. For decades, brands and advertisers coveted a mention from experts in the likes of Glamour and InStyle. That world has been blown apart by social media, which sent the majority of those publications online (if they survived at all) and elevated influencers and vloggers over editors.But some women, stil …

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