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How to Succeed in Your Next Job Interview (Includes Tips and Scripts)


How to Succeed in Your Next Job Interview (Includes Tips and Scripts)

Making a good impression on a job interview requires preparation and practice, but what specifically should you say to sell yourself effectively? Tori Dunlap, entrepreneur and finance educator, lays out three crucial talking points to help you stand out as a candidate.

0:00 Introduction
0:10 Prepare stats and stories that speak directly to the job description
0:37 Tie your experiences to specific data-driven outcomes
0:54 Real-life example: A restaurant employee showcases applicable skills to successfully transition into the recruiting industry
1:34 Be ready for the salary questions
1:47 How to answer “What is your current salary?”
2:18 How to answer “What are your salary requirements?”
2:45 Why you don’t want to disclose a salary number first
3:02 Always ask questions about the company and role
3:39 Ask “How do you measure success for this position?”
4:17 Ask “How do you help your team grow professionally?”
4:42 Ask “What is the salary and performance review process?”
5:13 A job interview lets you figure out if a job is right for you

In this HBR collaboration with Tori Dunlap, you’ll learn how to make educated decisions about your money and your career.

Learn more about Tori Dunlap at:

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