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Why Critics Fear the Fed’s Policy Shift May Prove Late and Abrupt

That caused the Fed to change course late last year — and to do so fairly abruptly.“Inflation really popped up in the late spring last year, and we had a […]

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Stock Markets Off to Worst Start Since 2016 as Fed Fights Inflation

After falling for a fourth day in a row on Friday, the stock market suffered its worst week in nearly two years, and so far in January the S&P 500 […]

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Stock Market Faces Lingering Perils in 2022

In response to the coronavirus, the Fed created trillions of dollars out of thin air, Congress doled out trillions more, and the pandemic provided a tacit guarantee that interest rates […]

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Why Stock Investors Need to Look a Decade Ahead, at Lea

That’s because the math shows that it’s not only profits that compound over time. Costs, do, too. Investors need to watch out for themselves, unfortunately. Mr. Bogle warned that the […]

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A Fed Official’s 2020 Trade Drew Outcry. It Went Further Than First Disclosed.

Richard H. Clarida, the departing vice chair of the Federal Reserve, failed to initially disclose the extent of a financial transaction he made in early 2020 as the Fed was […]

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Fed’s Moves in 2022 Could End the Stock Market’s Pandemic Run

For two years, the stock market has been largely able to ignore the lived reality of Americans during the pandemic — the mounting coronavirus cases, the loss of lives and […]

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How China’s CATL Became the Top Electric Car Battery Maker

CATL’s initial public offering in 2018 made Mr. Zeng and two CATL vice chairmen, who together own a 40 percent stake, rich. Other early investors, some with deep political connections, […]

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Emerging Markets Pose Long-Term Benefits Despite Short-Term Risk

Generalizing about so vast a swath of the planet is hazardous, but for the most part, the Omicron variant, soaring inflation, tightening monetary policy, political strife and climate change threaten […]

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China Evergrande Has Defaulted on Its Debt, Fitch Says

HONG KONG — For weeks, global markets have been watching the struggles of China Evergrande, a teetering real estate giant weighed down by $300 billion or more in obligations that […]