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Raising big money in a sour market


Why not put capital to work when it’s actually worth something?

Alex Wilhelm

7 hours

One easy complaint to make when it comes to venture capital is that it’s mostly not. Venture-ous, that is. It’s definitely capital.
During the last decade, for example, a huge portion of venture capital investment went into software-as-a -ervice companies, some of the least risky private technology companies out there. Sure, some fail, but the SaaS model tends to be durable, and its performance trackable to the point that anyone with a pencil can model out future growth and come to a valuation conclusion.

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Where are the venturesome gambles on space factories, superfoods and the like? Sorry — you got DocuSign instead.
But not all funds are timid, even if we find the present lack of material wagers on mega-projects disappointing. No, some funds are bucking the downturn by raising new, huge venture vehicles to invest in marke …

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